As the Local Government Pay Ballot Closes, another Opens.
Separate to this year’s Pay Ballot, Falkirk Council UNISON Branch have opened a consultative ballot on terms and conditions cuts. Falkirk initiated consultation with Trade Unions close to two years ago with a stated view of reaching agreement on a modernised package of terms conditions.
Falkirk Council has now concluded that the following terms & conditions, Long Service Awards, Telephone allowance, Relocation expenses, Overnight allowance, Subsistence allowance and Excess travel should be removed.
Your UNISON branch and negotiators cannot recommend these proposals to you for the following reasons:
We could not in good conscience recommend proposals, which would see employees who are currently subject to these conditions and associated payments, be placed in financial detriment.
Additionally, when the modernisation package was first muted, Scotland was not amid a pandemic which has, potential to increase the reliance upon these allowances.
Council leadership were not embarking on a radical overhaul of its model of working, which includes; reduction of desk spaces by 50 plus percent as part of their anytime anywhere review (hot desking/home working), reducing their property portfolio and reorganising their entire structure.

Now is not the time to remove these allowances.
Falkirk Council UNISON Branch do not believe it is right to review these or any other conditions in isolation and the cuts should be held in abeyance, until after the ongoing reorganisation discussions, have concluded.
For example, removal of excess travel makes it more likely, that little thought will be given to where staff like you will be asked to work.
Whilst increased homeworking continues to be the new normal, the pandemic has shown there is no willingness on the part of councils, to compensate employees for any increased cost that they would face working from home i.e., utility bills, heating and internet/telephone bills or mileage from home to work.
Removing these allowances opens the door to any time anywhere culture that is funded out of the employee’s own pocket.
UNISON believe that the employer should not be looking to decide on these proposals in isolation, rather they should form part of the ongoing discussion.
In the event of any issues
All members should have received an email from the branch or a letter in the post with your ballot.
If you did not receive either a digital or postal ballot then please get in touch with the branch ASAP.
Our email might have been put into your spam folder so it would be helpful if you could check it just in case.
NEC Elections
Voting has opened for the NEC election
The ballot papers have been sent out for one of the most important elections in UNISON's democracy – for seats on the union's national executive council.
It's not just about voting yourself.
We cannot tell you who to vote for in the NEC Elections, the important thing is you cast your vote, but we would like you to know who Falkirk Council Branch Agreed to Nominate, please see below : -
Maggie Griffin & Sarah Feeney Local Government Service Group Women's Seats
James Minto Local Government General Seat & Sean Fox Male Seat
Isla Watson (Female Seat) & Jess McGuire (General Seat) Young Members
Kathryn Ramsden & Davena Rankine Scottish Region Female Seats
Lyn Marie O'Hara Scottish Region Reserved Seat
Stephen Smellie Scottish Region General Seat & Jim McFarlane Male Seat
Saoirse Fanning Community Female Seat & Kevin Jackson Community General Seat
Elizabeth (Liz) Cameron Black Members Female Seat & Hugo Pierre Black Members Male Seat
Julia Mwaluke Black Members Low Paid Seat
Angela Hamilton Disabled Members General Seat & Neelo Farr Disabled Members Female Seat
Claire Dixon Health Female Seat & Adrian O'Malley Health General Seat
General secretary Christina McAnea asks everyone to spread the word – to friends, family, colleagues, anyone who's a UNISON member – to exercise their democratic voice.